Our Mission - Little Flower Mercy Home, Sengulam

Our Services

Little Flower Mercy Home

Occupational therapy plays a valuable role in improving the quality of life and overall well-being of residents in old age homes. As people age, they may face physical, cognitive, and emotional challenges that can impact their ability to engage in meaningful activities and maintain their independence. Occupational therapists in old age homes work to address these challenges and help residents lead fulfilling lives. Occupational therapy is implemented in our home is like;

• Gardening

• Helping in the kitchen

• Cattle Farm and goat rearing

• Pig Farm 

• Soap making

• Candle making

• Paper bag unit

• Polyhouse

• Aquaponics

Play Therapy: Play therapy is a form of therapy that uses play to communicate with children. For orphaned children, play therapy can help them express their emotions, process trauma, and build a sense of trust and safety.

Attachment-Based Therapy: Orphaned children may struggle with forming secure attachments due to their history of separations. Attachment-based therapy focuses on building healthy attachment relationships, promoting emotional regulation, and enhancing bonding with caregivers.

Psycho-education: Providing psycho-education to orphaned children helps them understand their emotions, reactions, and challenges. It equips them with tools to manage stress, anxiety, and other emotional responses.

Life Skills Training: Orphaned children may lack certain life skills due to their circumstances. Life skills training focus on practical skills such as communication, problem-solving, decision-making, and self-care.

Social Skills Training: For children who struggle with forming relationships, social skills training can help they develop effective communication, empathy, and interaction skills.

Music Therapy: Music therapy allows children to express themselves and regulate their emotions through music. It can help orphaned children process emotions and build self-esteem.


Establishing a tailoring unit in an old age home not only offers a productive and engaging activity for residents but also creates a supportive and creative environment that enhances their overall quality of life. It's important to tailor the activities and offerings to the preferences and capabilities of the residents to ensure a positive and meaningful experience.

1. Creative outlet: Sewing offers a creative outlet for residents to express themselves through fabric, colours, and designs. They can create clothing, accessories, quilts, and more.

2. Sense of Accomplishment: Completing sewing projects provides a sense of accomplishment, boosting self-esteem and overall well-being.

3. Social Interaction: The tailoring unit encourages socialization as residents work on projects together, share ideas, and collaborate. It can foster a sense of community and reduce feelings of isolation.

4. Skill Development: Learning or enhancing sewing skills keeps residents mentally engaged and can help improve cognitive functions, fine motor skills, and hand-eye coordination.

5. Custom Creations: Residents can create personalized items for themselves, friends, family, or even to sell as a source of income for the home.

6. Memory Sharing: Sewing might evoke memories of sewing experiences from their past, giving residents the opportunity to share stories and connect with their personal history.


Soap and soap oil making can be a fun and educational addition that offers children and elderly the chance to develop new skills, express themselves creatively, and engage in productive and fulfilling experiences.

1. Skill Development: Soap and soap oil making teach children practical skills such as measuring, mixing, and creativity.

2. Self-Expression: These activities allow children and elderly women to express themselves through choosing scents, colours, and designs.

3. Sense of Accomplishment: Completing soap and soap oil projects gives children and old age women a sense of achievement and boosts their self-esteem.

4. Creative Outlet: Creative activities like soap making can serve as a therapeutic and enjoyable creative outlet.  


Establishing a bread-making unit in an old age home not only offers a productive and engaging activity for residents but also creates a warm and welcoming environment that promotes their overall quality of life. It's important to tailor the activities and offerings to the preferences and capabilities of the residents to ensure a positive and meaningful experience.        Planning and Setup:

1. Space: Designate a dedicated space within the old age home's kitchen or communal area for bread making. Ensure it is well-equipped with the necessary appliances and workstations.

2. Equipment: Provide essential equipment such as mixing bowls, measuring tools, baking trays, ovens, and bread-making ingredients (flour, yeast, water, salt, etc.).

3. Safety: Ensure that safety measures are in place, including proper ventilation, fire safety equipment, and guidelines for using kitchen appliances.

4. Training: If residents have limited baking experience, offer basic training sessions to familiarize them with bread-making techniques, measurements, and safety protocols.

It’s pleasant to be at home!

The aim of Mercy Home is to give free shelter and service to the needy, to lead the abandoned back into the community and to restore the dignity and independence of the poorest of the poor.

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